Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 3- Wednesday

As I mentioned yesterday, I had problems trying to upload new info. It was a busy day, saw lots and walked forever. The bottom of my feet know so...

I headed south on a walkinf tour and found NYU, , Union Square, greenwich village SOHO, and the Chelsea district. Came across the tile memorial for 911 victims at the corner of Bleeker & 6th. Also discovered that Waverly Place is a real location. While eating sandwich at Madison Sq Park, I noticed figures placed upon the tops of buildings around the park. check

After class, Kristina and I headed south as well and ended up at Ground Zero. It felt so current, can't believe it occurred 9 years ago. The images are still so very clear. The fencing surrounding the area prevented us from seeing the crater, but the vast empty space between buildings with only construction cranes and reflecting lights, gave a sense of eery emptiness.

Tired of walking, we hopped on the subway, an experience to discuss later
Got to go enjoy Day 3


  1. Warm enough? Gone shopping at Bloomingdales? Had a NY Bagel? Seen a theatre production? Gone to Ellis Island? Got any sleep?

  2. Yes to all but, Ellis Island and sleep....
